Veterans Recognized

Pausing to Give Grateful Nod to Those Who Served this Veterans Day

In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the fighting stopped for World War I.  Three years later, the body of an unidentified World War I soldier was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery.  This soldier’s grave soon became a focal point for American veterans to display honor for the sacrifices that servicemembers willingly offered in the defense of our values, our safety and our way of life.

November 11th was officially recognized by Congress as “Armistice Day” in 1926.  It became a national holiday in 1938 even as the shadow of war loomed over Europe.  In 1954, it was renamed “National Veterans Day” with the specific intent of honoring all veterans.

As Veterans Day approaches, the Nebraska Division of Parole Supervision wishes to recognize the contributions and sacrifices that veterans have made for all of us.  In particular, we honor the veterans among our ranks, the veterans serving in our partner agencies, the veterans who are also our clients, and the families who stood behind them when duty called.  Let this day be one where we pause for just a moment and give a grateful nod to those who served in our nation’s military forces.