Supervision/Services New & Noteworthy

Board of Parole and Division of Parole Supervision Donates to Child Advocacy Center

The Board of Parole and Division of Parole Supervision staff collected donations to benefit the Child Advocacy Center during Child Abuse Prevention Month in April 2024.  This is the third year the agency has participated in this event and again partnered with Probation and Pre-trial Services.  Parole collected items as well as monetary donations which were delivered to the Child Advocacy Center in Lincoln by representatives of Parole and Probation. 

Parole Partners with NDCS on Event to Benefit Saratoga Elementary

The Division of Parole Supervision on November 16, 2023, partnered with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) Central Office to host a Soup’N Chili Cook-Off.  A hat and mitten drive sponsored by Parole was also held in conjunction with the event.  Not only were numerous donations of hats and mittens collected which will benefit Saratoga students this winter but monetary donations of just over $725 were also collected.  Some of the donations from the event are assisting Saratoga this holiday season through the purchase of wrapping paper and bows for their toy drive.  Parole staff are working with Saratoga Elementary to identify other ways the remaining donations can assist Saratoga in the new year.



Two Honored for Excellence in Leadership within Parole


Two Nebraska Board of Parole/Division of Parole Supervision staff received recognition for a 2023 Excellence in Leadership award during a ceremony on October 24, 2023.  The ceremony was held in the State Capitol Rotunda and the awards were presented by the Honorable Jim Pillen.  Those recognized were Administrative Release Specialized Parole Officer Deanna R. Schmidt and the late Sue Olson, who served as the Agency’s Statewide Operations Manager.  Nebraska Board of Parole Chair Rosalyn Cotton attended the ceremony in support of both honorees.    

Deanna Schmidt was recognized for her dedication to her work and the state of Nebraska, having been with the state for 19 years.  Specifically, in her nomination she was described as conscientious in her work product and communications with her teammates.  She routinely will take the time needed to complete projects until she is 100 percent satisfied with the results.  As the Administrative Release Officer for the Agency, she coordinates the release of incarcerated individuals onto parole from correctional institutions, manages a large docket of cases for the Nebraska Board of Parole, and keeps the parole hearings running smoothly with focus toward a positive interaction for the customer.  She was also described in her nomination as being warm, genuine, personable, and makes her environment an enjoyable place to work. 

Sue Olson was recognized posthumously for her contributions to the state of Nebraska.  Her nomination reflected upon her 7 years of service with the Nebraska Board of Parole Agency.  During her time with Parole, she diligently worked to ensure that projects met the highest standard and she never missed a detail when it came to operations and the design of spaces and projects.  She was described as someone who brought her passion and love of design to every project and would shine when she saw the pieces come together.  Her no-nonsense approach to her job was appreciated when deadlines arrived and everything was completed according to plan.  She was further described as a loyal colleague who stepped in at a moment’s notice and was available when a teammate needed her.  She had a strong personal code of ethics and always did the right thing.  The Nebraska Board of Parole/Division of Parole Supervision was honored to nominate her for Excellence in Leadership and remains thankful for her gifts, talents, and accomplishments that she shared with the Agency.  Regrettably, Sue passed away on August 30, 2023, and is greatly missed by her teammates. 

It is through the service of teammates such as those recognized for Excellence in Leadership that the Agency has accomplished and continues to accomplish all that it does. 



Parole’s Annual 'All Staff' a Great Experience

The Division of Parole Supervision (DPS) held its annual All Staff Meeting on October 5 and 6, 2023, at Platte River State Park.  All DPS staff attend this meeting which provides an opportunity to network and participate in teambuilding exercises throughout the two days together. 

This year’s meeting kicked off with an introduction to each team member with a “walkout” song of their choosing to give the rest of the team a glimpse into their personality.  It was a fun-filled ice breaker that allowed the teambuilding to begin early.

On day one, DPS staff were honored to have Alisa Parmer, PLMHP, MBA Legendary Profession Maker, LLC, as a guest speaker.  Alisa Parmer, who is a formerly incarcerated person, spoke to the group about the trauma and challenges of being released from prison and the re-entry process.  Ms. Parmer spoke of numerous individuals who made significant impacts on her life which ultimately led her to her current successes.  Parmer led the team in a couple of activities that framed the differences in the way people think, even those who appear to have much in common (i.e., in the same profession).  It was an eye-opening experience!

Day two began with breakfast together, followed by DPS Director Julie Micek giving the State of the State address to the team.  Director Micek talked about the exciting opening of the PREP House and the success surrounding this new endeavor.  She updated the team on a variety of issues and answered questions.

The Agency’s Awards & Recognition Committee (ARC) presented years of service and other awards prior to beginning a variety of team building activities.  The teams participated in lots of healthy competition and shared more than a few laughs.  As always, the meeting was a great experience. 

The annual Holiday Party was held that evening at Backswing Brewery in Lincoln.  Staff and their guests enjoyed dinner and an opportunity to get to know one another outside the work environment.  Director Micek and Parole Board member Habib Olomi shared some comments with those present.  The evening’s entertainment was again music bingo and prizes, which was enjoyed by all.