Careers in Parole Peaked Student Interest at UNO Career Fair

The University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) hosted a large career fair on October 4, 2022.  The Nebraska Division of Parole Supervision (DPS) had the opportunity to send a team to represent DPS and Parole Officers Martin Warneke, Sarah Krohn, Emily Waggoner, and Jordan Wall stepped up to the plate.  According to Officer Krohn, the event was well-attended and well-organized.  The team was able to provide information about careers in Parole to many UNO students seeking careers post-graduation.  Interest levels among the students were high, and the team had many engaging conversations about what serving on the Parole team entails.  The team was also able to make connections both with UNO staff and other service providers in the community.  The event was high-volume, and yet managed in a way that allowed for a relaxed environment.  UNO staff made sure that our team was welcomed and equipped for the event.

From all accounts, future events would be extremely positive opportunities for Parole to reach a quality pool of young, qualified candidates for future openings within DPS and to build collaborative relationships with other agencies