Offender Board Review Schedule
What is an Offender Review?
An offender review is conducted by a minimum of two board members at which time the person is interviewed on matters that assist the board in determining whether the person will be ready for parole when he or she becomes eligible. After an offender review, the two board members will either set the person for a parole hearing or defer the person for another review. Offender reviews are not open to the public.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
CCCL - Community Corrections Center, Lincoln
CCCO - Community Corrections Center, Omaha
LCC - Lincoln Correctional Center, Lincoln
NCCW - Nebraska Correctional Center for Women, York
NSP - Nebraska State Penitentiary, Lincoln
NCYF - Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility, Omaha
RTC - Reception and Treatment Center, Lincoln
OCC - Omaha Correctional Center, Omaha
TSCI - Tecumseh State Correctional Institution, Tecumseh