Parole Board Chair and Parole Staff Participate in “Inner Circle” Event

On April 14, 2022, Nebraska Board of Parole Chair Rosalyn Cotton, Parole Supervisor Mikki Kirkpatrick, and Specialized Parole Officer (SPO) Dylan Rotert had the pleasure of serving as panelists for the “Inner Circle” Event at the Community Corrections Center-Lincoln (CCC-L).    The “Inner Circle” is a mentorship program comprised of members focused on educating their peers about community resources, parole, and building on skills as they prepare for reentry into society after incarceration.

Accompanied by Reentry Specialists and Case Managers at CCC-L, Ms. Cotton, Supervisor Kirkpatrick, and SPO Rotert answered questions about the parole process, parole plans, electronic monitoring, transitional living, and services offered both by Parole and within the community.  The panel stressed the importance of creating a working plan to reenter society during incarceration, centered on creating a healthier lifestyle after release.  

Ms. Cotton discussed expectations of client conduct during their parole hearings and provided insight as to what she looks for in a parole plan.  Specifically, a stable residence and good job to support themselves are vitally important in the community as well as a requirement of parole.  Ms. Cotton stated without a concrete plan, the risk of recidivism increases, which can put the client at risk as well as the community.  

Supervisor Kirkpatrick stated it is essential that clients know the opportunities that are available to them on parole, with the goal of eliminating misconceptions and misinformation.  Supervisor Kirkpatrick also spoke about the desired details to be included in an adequate parole plan and the process of assigning plans to officers for investigation.  

SPO Rotert expanded on expectations of parole plans and the investigation process, while alluding to what officers look for during an investigation.  SPO Rotert focused his message on the role of a parole officer, services available to parolees in the community, and creating a team approach between parole officer and client.  SPO Rotert also discussed common barriers clients encounter, how he investigates parole plans, and how he determines what recommendations to make to the Board prior to approving the plan.  

The panel explained that good parole plans begin with goals and desires regarding what clients envision for themselves when they are released.  Lastly, the panel thanked the members of the “Inner Circle” for their participation and encouraged the attendees to motivate additional peers to become involved in the group.  The panel expressed appreciation for the members in attendance and praised the initiative they have taken by being involved in the program.